Anyone who knows me even a little bit will have absolutely no doubts as to my feelings about Winter.
To say that I don't like Winter is, well.......
It's not simply that I just don't like Winter, I L-O-A-T-H-E Winter.
There, now that I'm out of the closet on that, on with the story.
Maybe it was all of those years working in the elements- a contractor's life and needs must. I remember at some point during those years only half jokingly, musing that if I could have anything that I wanted that it would be Spring time all of the
time. After all, it's always Springtime somewhere in the world, isn't it?
That thought would lodge itself in a fold of my brain, occasionally popping into my conciousness, often during one of those darker Winter moments. Like a pearl, ever growing, eventually I could no longer ignore it's subtle "irritation".
But wait. What if. What if it was possible for me to "skip" winter. After all, "snowbirds" had been fleeing the frigid Northeast for years. Myself, contemptuous of them at one time now fully understood and appreciate their
But Florida! Hummm? Florida's, well. It's full of old people, right? And, well. I'm just not that old. Am I? It can be cool, even cold in Florida during Winters and the water- well let's face it I'm not a Canadian "polar bear". I like it warm.
I want sun. I adore the sun. I need the sun. Sun is Spring. Spring is sun. Sun is life. Sun is happy. I want beaches with umbrellas, booze and acres of tan flesh around me. I want seafood just fresh off the boat. I want sidewalk cafes. I want a market full of fresh fruit and veg. I want a walkable town with character. And, I want to be able to afford it! Yeah..... right!
Does this exist?
Well maybe somewhere,I think it does.
So the dream of chasing eternal Spring was now chasing me!
As with most things that I write, there's often more than just a bit of metaphor and
no exceptions here. Even with the southern hemisphere to explore, it's truly not always spring somewhere, but, it's always mild-sunny-warm and desirable somewhere.
So here goes.
Early March thru early May and early October thru early December in the North Carolina Piedmont it can be really quite sweet. As this is my primary home, I'm covered for these times.
Mid May thru late September in the North Carolina mountians. The morning walks, tubing on the pond, fresh salads-veg-fruits and endless rose wine-aaaahhhh! My other home. Covered!
Now. About that trouble time, mid December thru mid February. Gotta do something.
And that, my friends, is where this story begins.
You see, there's just so many places. So many "Springs", but my short list will include:
Mexico- Carribean and Pacific Coasts- close and affordable.
And, Middle America- Belize, Hondouras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Not so far and even more affordable.
And, maybe even South America. Chile, Argentina, Brazil or Uraguay- not so close but affordable and maybe even a bit exotic.
Where will I find eternal spring? Will I find it? Will I make it to all these places? Who knows!
For me the joy is truly in the journey and not just the destination.
Serendipity. You often find it when and where you least expect. I love it!!
So, let's just see where this goes.......