Have you ever had a really perfect day? You know, one that figures to be just about perfect.
Well, I had one this week and if there's one thing I've learned in life is that a day like this just doesn't happen along very often. In fact they're quite rare indeed.
And you know what. When you luck out and one of these days happens to bless you, you have to take notice of it! Yeah, that's right! Birthdays, anniversaries and such, well they just happen. But hey, a really great day, now that's something that should grab your attention.
Now, you might be wondering, just what constitutes an excellent day to Kevin? Or.. not? It might sound a bit anticlimactic after all this fuss, but here goes....
first of all, in the mountians of North Carolina. Woke up around seven. It's cool this morning, deliciously so. It's been a bit too warm for days now. Man... I love this!
Breakfast on the back porch. There's a fog about, wafting through the trees. The sun is struggling to punch through. A lovely green "stain glass" effect envelopes me. It's just lovely, the green glow.
Breakfast, modest. A bit of cereal. Sliced fresh South Carolina peaches topped with fresh local blueberries, picked yesterday less than 12 miles from here. A cup of freshly brewed coffee, mine half milk, half coffee and a bit of sugar. Nice! Nice and simple. I sit, not wanting this morning to evaporate. But.. you know it does.
No walk up to Virginia this morning. Feel like a bike ride today. About 20-25 minutes north in Galax Virginia and we're on the New River Trail. A rails to trails park land. It follows beautiful Chestnut Creek down to the New River. Couldn't be a more perfect day. Sunny, breezy, maybe 78 degrees, but... more on that in a soon to be published post.
Wow, that was great! I feel great! Maybe just a little bit hot. Ahh, stop by Bea's in Galax for a spot of soft serve chocolate ice cream. Oh yeah!! Makes me feel like a kid all over, and, perhaps a little cooler.
Back on the "farm" and still, still perfect weather. Maybe 78, strong breeze, bright sun, puffy white clouds, and, a big ole wet pond just waitin' on me. So, me, some kind of suit, a cold beer (Stella), an inner tube a little splash. Slip into pure bliss! I could feel myself "sizzling and cracking", the bronze comming over me. That breeze, the rippled water, pushing my little boat self across the surface. I drift, looking upward aimlessly, those puffy white clouds slowly glide by. My inner child struggles to see the images. But it's not as easy as it once was. Still... how does it get much better?
A couple of hours later, and... I'm all pruney and that "sizzling and cracking" is now more of a burning. Perhaps it's time to retire to the porch for a spot of "porch sittin'" A sweating bottle of Pinot Grigio, Barefoot, yeah, you heard me. a surprisingly nice little quaff for... say $5. Two glasses, my lovely wife, that wonderful breeze. The warm sun, now beginning to create the evening version of green "stain glass". Again... how does it get much better?
Perhaps a bit of a "lie down"?
Oh my! That was nice.
The evening ages, but still, just as lovely. I'm gettin' a bit hungry by now. Pure joy to maybe grille out on an evening such as this. Think I'll thickly slice a pork tenderloin, rub it generously with dijon mustard, sprinkle with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper, a dusting with the herbes de provence I brought back from Provence. Fire up the ole Weber kettle grille. my mouth's watering just at the thought. A couple of those ears of local sweet corn my friend Randy brought by yesterday. A fresh Caprese salad, local tomatoes sliced thin, sliced whole mozza, "fresh my farm" basil, a splash of EVOO & balsamic, coarse salt & pepper.
A warm baguette and for desert, a fresh chilled South Carolina canteloupe.
Aint that some kinda menu?
The coals, now glowing. Clean and oil the grille. Lay on those little pork medallions, they sizzle as they hit the grille.
A cold Stella in a freezer chilled glass, a bite of that Caprese salad. Pull a slice of warm baguette from the basket, a liberal spread of warm (real) butter. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! this is it!1
Turn the medallions, now carmel and lined on one side. My god, that smell! It can drive you crazy! No smell can equal grilling meat. it's primal, pity the vegetarian.
No rush. No rush.
Meat, now pulled from the coals and rested, me, now drooling from the edge of my mouth.. fork tender, oh my god, yes!
Encore cold Stella.
Push back from the table.
Savor the flavors. Savor the company. savor the moment.
This day. this day, please do not end.
The light, now failing. The green now turned rose toned in the western sky as the sun dips behind the mountian. Still warm, although a perceptable chill arrives, falling fast. The breeze, softer now, do I feel a goosebump or two?
I feel absolutely great!
This day, I have been there every moment. I have thought no thoughts other than those immediately before me. I sought the day as I did as a child, moment by moment.
It comes to a close, I am not sad. The now 60 degree air, the blackness that almost seems to swallow you. The cascading symphony of cicadia, treefrog and bullfrog.
I shall sleep the sleep of a child tonight.
It was a day, a great day.. and I took it completely!
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