There’s just something really special about getting to the beach early in the morning. And, truth be told, I am more a morning person.
The sun is about, popping out from behind the passing puffs of clouds that always seem to be present here. The water “exploding” into that unearthly turquoise glow every time the sun parts from a cloud. The morning breeze dispelling any sense of tropical heat and humidity. The promise of yet another beautiful day, despite the tiny sprinkles falling on my skin at this moment.
The chairs. The umbrellas, they are largely in place and await todays throngs.
The beach crew is here , probably since daybreak, busily raking the seaweed washed ashore last night, digging holes in the sand and burying it. Like most things here it happens everyday. Those daily rhythms I’m always going on about.
At my feet, a little team of Sand Pipers, zigging and zagging, peck pecking at the sand. They are mesmerizing.
An old and stooped woman walks by the waters edge, searching for seashells, her mesh bag by now holds several. I don’t ever see any when I walk the beach, no doubt she is the reason why.
Staff, they all greet me upon arrival, “buenos dias, como esta?” or maybe “todo bien? “, greetings exchanged, wishes for a good day “buen dia”, everyday it starts anew, just as the last.
A few more people wander onto the beach, there to lay claim to their little square of paradise for the day. Front row and center! The privilege of an early arrival, that’s me!
When I was a younger man at the beach, I always wondered , why do the “old gits” always have the front row chairs? Well... now I know. I’m one of those “old gits” now and it’s ‘cause I get here early. The view’s grand and the breezes delicious. As I pass through the chairs behind me, I look at the faces, mostly younger than I, and I just smile.
I gaze to my left, a beautiful arc of white stretching out of sight, rimmed on the left by green palms and on the right by the lovely glow of that turquoise water. Soft white waves wash ashore. Only a few people in sight, milling about the white sand, a few maybe two or three playing in the surf.
Soon, being Sunday, it will be almost cheek to jowl.
But, for now, paradise!
The privileges of an early arrival.
Todo bien!
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