Saturday, September 8, 2018

Fifty Shades of Blue

Turquoise, Teal, ultramarine, periwinkle, navy, royal, sky, azure, cobalt.....
Imagine every shade of blue ever described by man and you still would need to conjure at least as many more to visualize the surreal scene before me.
Above, still more shades of blue, puctuated with clouds of cotton white.
The sun transiting it’s arc, facilitating this visual feast, ever changing minute by minute.
Beneath me, turquoise water lapping against the pilings of my bungalow, curiously built above those same waters.
The appearance is of the light emanating from under the water, a luminescent glow that once seen will forever remain a part of my visual experience.

French Polynesia, Tahiti, Bora Bora..... the names evoking exotic, mysterious Pacific adventures.

Now, I’ve always felt that the appropriate if not most romantic means of approaching an island should be by boat, however, as the ferry to Bora Bora from Tahiti has a Friday departure and.... takes at least a half a day, and as it’s Wednesday and I don’t wish to wait until Friday .... I make do with the best alternative.
I take a 54minute flight.
Your plane approaches, your first impression........ the blues. The entirety of the island is encircled by the most marvelous infinite gradations of blue.
It is... quite simply....spectacular.

The vertiginous and verdant island at the center is almost completely encircled by a narrow ring of slightly less verdant Motus (islands) with those marvelous infinite gradations of blue filling the space between.
It is frankly, unlike anything I’ve ever before seen.

A water taxi transports us from the airport at one end of the island across the marvelous infinite gradations of blue to our destination.... a small Motu located at the other end of the island.
The journey circumnavigates the mountain, it’s steep slopes belying it’s volcanic origins.

Now in sight, our destination, a petite Motu...and curiously built above the most stunning luminescent turquoise water you could imagine....a string of Polynesian styled bungalows rimming it’s shoreline

Our’s is hardly the only instance of these “curiously” built above the water bungalows.... there were many examples to be  passed on the way here.
You see for all my blubbering about these marvelous infinite gradations of blue, the reason you undertake such an  arduous journey to arrive at this place is for one and one reason only......that most beautiful blue water.

Having  arrived...... what does one do you might ask....
Reclined, chaise lounge atop the cantilevered deck of my “curiously” built above the most stunning luminescent turquoise water bungalow.... a Vanilla Tahitian Rum in hand ... I gaze upon the most surreal scene of infinite blues.

To quote Poo, “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day”.

After 38 years, the honeymoon that we never had.

Sunrise over Bora Bora

That luminescent turquoise water


An infinite gradation of blue.

The verdant and vertiginous island at the center

Bungalows and blue.

More bungalows and blue....never tire of seeing this.

I could not have designed a more perfect breakfast. NZ smoked salmon, home made yogurt with home made jam, fresh fruit and a surprisingly good croissant. 

So obviously the fish was outstanding, but a special find was a Tahitian style ceviche  made with ahi tuna and coconut milk. The locals eat it for breakfast.

Sunset over Bora Bora......Bye

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