All right, it's mid-May and the lovely piedmont spring is beginning to turn decidedly hot.
But... I've got a little trick up my sleeve. two hours north, about a mile from the Virginia border, maybe six miles from the awesome Blue Ridge Parkway, our little bit-o- paridise.
About 2600 feet, always 10-15 degrees cooler, lower humidity and a ubiquitous breeze. And guess what? It's just getting into spring-time there.
Now, I'm usually up here by late April, open the place up and cut the grass, but this year, lotsa rain in the mountians, bad back-me and numerous distractions back home.
Every year, the trepredations, will there be any water leaks? I dread it! whew! Just one small drip under the house, no, wait, I think that one was here last year, maybe before that. oh well, I'll fix that later.
But... But then, the grass. Oh my gawd, you've never seen grass like this!! As I said, I'm usually here in late April and I mow the drive and the pathways, but, this year, mid May, and what with all that rain, the grass is waist high in places. This'll take all day!! That is if the mower makes it! Hell if I make it! I mean the driveway alone is nearly a 1/4 mile long.
Yes, that did suck!! Yes the poor ole mower made it , just. And yes, I made it too! You know, people around here, they bale this stuff and call it hay. Oh well.
A few more small chores and time for the sweet life.
The Italians have a phrase for it, " la dolce na fariente" the sweet life of doing nothing. How about that! and belive you me, this place is what you call tailor made for it. Bring it on!!! Or something like that.
Mid May, and would you belive it... nights still in the upper 40's. I love it! Pile on an extra layer of blanket, and.. sleep like a baby. You know, the nights up here can be really chilly even on July fourth, no kiddin'.
No air conditioning, just ceiling fans. Front porch, Back porch, a cool pond and plenty of shade. All outdoor living all the time.
Fresh fruits and berries, canteloupes and watermelon, homemade sorbets and icecream, salads, light pastas and anything as long as it comes off a charcoal grille.
lagers and pilsners, whites & roses, fruity rum punches, Compari and Pastis 51. Yes,
this is living light and living well. Swwweeeet!
Mornings mean a hike up into Virginia. That just sounds way cool doesn't it? From our 2600, we top out at about 3000 and all in less than a mile. Whew!! But, on top, on the ridgeline, ya never seen views like this! Miles and miles of views. The Blueridge, the farms. No I never tire of this walk. Even though we've walked all over, The UK, France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria. This walk is, I feel, among the best and hey, all I gota do is just walk out my front door.
It's about the views, but more. It's the farms, It's the people. We've got some great neighbors around here. These are country people, no it's more than that, they're mountian people. I myself am from country stock and I have to say that I'm never more comfortable than when I'm with country folk, no matter where I find myself. Yeah, we each know that we're from different worlds. And.. I know I can never probably be of here, but, they somehow manage to look past that and see just me. You'll often hear them say, " well, so and so's a little different, but... they're good people".
Yes, they're "good people".
Somedays, we take our bikes up to Galax, Va. the New River Trail, an abandoned rail road grade, begins here and winds 55 or so miles up to Pulaski, all while following the lovely New River. Trestles, tunnels and those views! It's one magical ride. No, no, I'm not Superman. I don't ride 55 miles. I'm good for about 25. Picnic along the way. Followed up with a soft serve ice cream cone in town. It's just great fun!!
And, some awesome hikes nearby. Stone Mountian, Mount Rogers and just about anywhere along the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Hike more, I can eat and drink more. That's how I see it!
Wine country? Yep!! Would ya belive it, we're right smack in the middle of North Carolina's two AVA's, Yadkin Valley and Swan Creek. And then there's southern Virginia. This whole area is awash with wines. Some of it really quite good. And ya just know how I feel about wine, don't ya?
Finally, there's what I like to call the rythms of life. Settle in for long enough, they're there, wherever you happen to find yourself. Always, just a little different, you only have to look for them.
Wake with the sunrise, the birdsong.
Cows mooing and calling in the meadow, seeking one and another in the morning fog.
The milk truck chugs up the hill, every morning, three daries await him above me.
Tractors groaning on the hillsides.
The morning walks and the adventures they invite.
What's in bloom?
Sometimes a ride into town, something to pick-up.
Lunches on the back porch.
Perhaps a dinner in town tonight? Uhm, maybe fresh local pan fried rainbow trout, oh yeah!!
A familiar face, hi, how are ya?
Evening falls, cicadias, tree frogs and bullfrogs. All singing their songs of desire.
Plant the corn. Plant the pumpkins, the cabbages, all things green.
Cut the corn. Pick the pumpkins, cabbages and all those other green things.
Daybreak, milk the cows. Sunset, milk the cows.
And... so it goes.
Yes... this is the sweet life.
But... I'm doin' something.
I'm here. I'm in it. I'm lovin' it.
I'm now!
Se ya!
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