El Fogon,
Of all the culinary treasures I've "sniffed-out" these past few weeks, one merits special praise. El Fogon, a little neighborhood family place with meats done in the traditional Mexican style, al carbon (over charcoal). Tacos, burritos, tostadas, etc. But the stand-out here has to be the arrecherro especiale plate. A skirt steak, marinated in something unbelivable, sliced extra thin across the grain and carmelized to perfection on a charcoal grille. Served up with the best little cup of "bean soup" I've ever eaten, char-grilled oversized scallions, gucamole, tortillas and all the salsas and fixins. Absolutely awesome, way under US$20 with two cervesas, and, get this, I'm not really much of a beef man!
Boobs vs. Bums,
It's no secret that I absolutely adore the female figure. I count myself lucky to have a wife who indulges me this vice, with, one or two conditions. Look but don't touch, remember who you came to the party with and mostly don't forget who's in the seat next to you.
So...I don't, I do and I never ever forget to adore her lovely figure in the seat next to me.
Now. About all those female figures. Nowhere do I enjoy them more than on a beach. And.. nowhere do I enjoy them more than on a beach where tops are considered optional. With a few exceptions, this is not such a beach. The Mexican culture would view a woman doffing her top as being immodest. Wonderful culture, but,can't buy into that one.
However.... however, the local senoritas have found a very "clever" way around this "immodesty". First, the tops themselves,
they're teeny, really teeny and cover very little. But, the best part of their "cleverness" has got to be their fondness for the Brazillian thong, an absolutely brilliant fashion statement. Both butt cheeks are completely exposed with a tiny strip (often not visible) up the middle.
Amazing!! Need I say more. Can't show your boobs but you can let your whole bum hang out.
God, I love the modesty of this culture!!
Jaques' Place,
Met the couple above us last night at the Luna Blue and again at a little Lebanese Cafe down the street. They, from Canada, of course (more on that later) come here often and usually rent a condo up the street. It was, however, occupied this time. The owner, some TV chef, on PBS, they figured I'd probably never heard of him, was in town.
Imagine that! I could cook in Jaques Pepin's kitchen. Wow!!
A Fond Farewell,
Last night, some of the staff at Mamitas wanted to stop by the bar at Luna Blue, seems they know Jorge, our barman (everyone here seems to know everyone) Me, now fond of them and they I, will meet and say goodbye. See ya at 7. Promptly at 8, "Mexican Time", they show up. Jorge has set-up a special table and I, unknown to them, have set a tab, limited of course!
It was a little awkward at first but I broke the ice by taking their orders and bringing the first round. Our usual roles reversed. Ice broken, and laughs around the table.
Language, always a barrier to good conversation abroad, would become even more apparent here. Jose explains that all of them speak "service English". Beyond their trade, they easily get lost. Jose's ultra-charming girlfriend, Ingrid. spoke wonderful English and would frequently pitch in as our interpreter. He is a very lucky young man. Each of our guest expressed a singular desire to better their English as they viewed this as the best way to improve their economic futures.
I started the conversation by going around the table and asking each of them where they were from, for how long and why they were here. All were in their mid 20's - 30's. One had a wife and was eager to begin a family. All had come here for the same reason, economic opportunity. Some had been here a year, some as long as 10-11 years. Some hoped for families of their own, a house perhaps. All were optimistic of their chances here, seemed to be happy and proudly Mexican.
It was refreshing. I felt their enthusiasm, their optimism, their youth.
And... perhaps, a little deja-vous. Sandy and I too had left our childhood home some 30 odd years ago, wide eyed with youthful optimism to seek a better opportunity for ourselves. At that moment, I think I just may have understood a little better, their lives.
Night grows late and amazingly the tab has grown to within $2 of the $100 limit I had set. Now, is that a coincidence or what? But, no worry, all had a good time. Why? You know, all I can figure is there was this sense of curiousity on both sides.
As I paid my tab, Jorge, usually a man of few words, says, Seenor Keveen, yoou deed a reely good theeng tonight.
" Jorge,I got as good as I gave"
Buena noche Senor Jorge.
Buena noche Senor Keveen.
Could This Be The One?
You all know I'm on a quest to find "eternal spring". This place certianly has an awesome beach, even without the bare boobs. The walking is sublime and the food is entirely to my liking. It is a bit touristy, but the "tourist traps" are easily enough to avoid if you choose to. I do not find that market that I will always seek, but there are options. I mean if Jaques can do it so can I.
Affordable rentals abound and it is relatively cheap and easy to get here.
Most of all the Mexican people are so welcoming and friendly.
Good possibility?
Puerto Vallarta awaits!
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